Currently, development around GLBCC stems on builing a GCC front end for Liberty Basic. This will solve so many of the problems that were faced in the previous version. The other benefit of this is that it sheds the dependency on a C compiler forever which is a very good thing.
What follows is a quick overview of how this is all going to work. I've included a bunch of good links on the links page to give the reader the oppertunity to explore in more detail the concepts presented here.
The goal of GCC was to create a compiler suite that could support as many languages targetted to as many platforms as possible. It has indeed done this as it is by far, the most portable and extendable compiler in existance.
GCC achieves platform independence by creating an assembly language that has common concepts found in all higher level languages - common math operators, function calls, functions, etc. . This language is called RTL. RTL is a stack based assembly language so it also avoids all the complication of registry allocation. A GCC front-end reads in a source file from a high level language, and then performs almost a one-to-one translation of that language into RTL. GCC, in fact, accepts the RTL in the form of a tree to make it even easier for the front end. As if that wasn't easy enough, GCC also provides all the function calls neccessary to create all the RTL nodes so the front-end developer merely needs to call a few functions.
I have completed a grammar for LB and built a syntax tree for it. What this means is that I am currently at a point where all I have to do is transverse a tree and call the corresponding functions in the GCC back-end to generate an RTL tree. Before this though, I want to perform some checking on the tree in order to make sure that variables are of the right type and such things.
I've also made a quick proof of concept program that dumps the LB syntax tree to standard output in XML format. This program is available in the CVS repository under the glbc module. You can download either a Linux binary or a Windows binary. To use it, you must pipe a file through it and specify the -x option on the command line. On Linux, this will look something like this:
[ $] cat filename.bas | ./glbc -x > filename.xml
On Windows, it will look something like this:
C:\> cat filename.bas | glbc.exe -x > filename.xml
You can go directly to the glbc repository to download the programs by clicking here.